What's your story?
I started storytelling after receiving training in photojournalism at Western Kentucky University. I worked in various newspapers using photography to tell those stories. In 2008, I decided to take that background in storytelling and use video as the vehicle for stories.
I have seen the need for people to tell their story, not only for themselves but to inform others of their story. After moving to St. Louis in 2009, I realized the need for stories to be told in our city. I have fallen in love with St. Louis and all its diversity and the opportunities to tell the stories of the people and businesses from this city.
I started übertonic in 2014 out of my passion to tell these stories. Everyone has a story to tell, whether it is the story of your business, your nonprofit organization, your community, or yourself. This passion drives me to tell those stories that otherwise would go untold.
Sean Loftin
Ubertonic Films
Get in touch - sean@ubertonic.com